LETTERS TO THE EDITOR: Legislative stall tactics, and post-truth America

Published 6:00 am Saturday, August 12, 2023

State GOP’s actions were a threat to democracy

In “Other Views,” the Rogue Valley Times offered an Oregon Capital Insider column by Dick Hughes that evaluated the performance of Governor Tina Kotek. In it, Hughes reported the claim that a Kotek weakness was her failure to negotiate a settlement to the Republican walkout.

This is arrant nonsense!

Republicans in the 2023 legislative session made a commitment from the beginning of the year to do everything they could to thwart democracy by slowing down the conduct of business.

In the Senate, they insisted ludicrously that every bill should be read to the chamber in its entirety. This was designed to prevent their conducting the people’s business, yet it was presumably to do exactly this that they ran and were elected.

These same Republicans then, in a further effort to slow proceedings, complained that bills were written at too high a reading level.

Across the nation, Republicans are rejecting democracy and the will of their constituents as they promote an authoritarian style of government. They assume, of course, that they are the dictators.

Oregonians used to think our state Republicans were cut from different cloth than the national party. The evidence from this session suggests they are one and the same. If Republicans were to gain control of Oregon’s government, democracy would likely be the first casualty.

It is immensely difficult to continue being the adult in the room when this level of petulant, childish behavior is exhibited.

Alan Journet / Jacksonville

Jacksonville bookstore a victim of post-truth America

The story and editorial about the threats against Rebel Hearts Books are disheartening, but not surprising.

After all, it’s a bookstore and as the editorial said, books open our eyes and expand our minds. Some people find that unacceptable and we’re living at a time when violently expressing our discontent has become the new normal.

As a result, we now have bookstores, libraries, school boards, teachers, public health workers and election officials being verbally assaulted and having their lives threatened.

Welcome to post-truth America, where many insist the greatest issues we face aren’t threats to democracy or the deadly consequences of climate change, but “wokeness” and other people’s sexual preferences.

Michael Steely / Medford

Upper Rogue shouldn’t have become a speedway

In August of 2010, Gold Ray was the last of three dams removed from the Rogue which created a beautiful float below TouVelle State Park.

I celebrated this moment as the river’s current would create more habitat for wild steelhead and salmon while opening the door for fish to migrate uninterrupted.

The following year, Rogue Jet Boat Adventures began and has grown to a three-boat operation with the largest vessel accommodating up to 25 guests, measuring 31 feet, and powered by 800 horsepower. Combined, the three boats run on 1,625 horsepower, or the equivalent of two NASCAR racing engines.

They’ve been a game changer creating powerful wakes that increase bank erosion, turbidity, and uproot aquatic vegetation. Their impact is immediate and lasting as free-floating plant matter suspended throughout the water column fouls lines and limits angler opportunity.

Like RJBA, I am a small business owner dependent on water, public access, and tourism dollars. While I celebrate businesses that revolve around introducing people to the beauty, history, and productivity of the upper Rogue, I do not believe we need to transform the river into a speedway to do so.

This past February, Oregon Parks and Recreation Department (OPRD) decided against granting a concession to RJBA yet, continue to allow their private docks and operation at TouVelle. Department of State Lands confirmed that OPRD’s deed does maintain jurisdiction of the riverbed to center river clarifying which agency bears. the burden of enforcement.

What gives, State Parks?

Jim Andras / Talent

Jet boats on the Upper Rogue are dangerous, destructive

I am very concerned about the jet boats being operated on the Upper Rogue River.

These boats are incredibly loud and obnoxious, dangerous and environmentally destructive. They threaten fish and other wildlife, the safety of other boaters, swimmers and anglers, and have no place on such a pristine waterway.

Why aren’t the Oregon State Marine Board, and the Fish and Wildlife folks doing something about them? They should be banned.

John Enders / Talent
