LETTERS TO THE EDITOR: Commissioners initiative, climate change, and Gold Hill

Published 5:00 am Monday, December 11, 2023

Commissioner’s column was dressed up with ‘nonsense’

Jackson County Commissioner Dave Dotterrer recently wrote a column arguing against three proposed ballot measures to restructure the county commissioner positions.

Reading it, I was reminded of the story “The Emperor’s New Clothes.” In that story, the Emperor wants you to believe he is wearing magnificent clothing when in fact, as a child points out, he is wearing nothing at all.

Based on his column, Dotterrer wants you to believe that reducing commissioner wages from 500% of median Jackson County income to 250% would be fiscally irresponsible.

He wants you to believe that allowing nonaffiliated voters to participate in the primary would reduce voter turnout. He wants you to believe that the current three commissioners don’t make backroom deals, but five would eliminate transparency.

He wants you to believe that the vast majority of Jackson County, including those not allowed to vote in the primary, support his values, principles and priorities. He wants you to believe that he can see into the hearts of those sponsoring these grassroots initiatives and he can see sinister intent.

I think we all recognize nonsense when we see it. So when you see the nice people at the market or community event holding a clipboard collecting signatures, say hi to them. Chat a bit. Ask questions. Sign the initiatives.

Let’s be brave like the little child and tell the commissioner he has no clothes.

Learn more at jacksoncountyforall.org. You can also sign the initiatives at home through jacksoncountyforall.org/signathome.

John Felling / Medford

Times’ climate change policy statement was hypocritical

“An open exchange of viewpoints is essential to Democracy, and to the validity of a newspapers’ Opinion page — but only if those viewpoints stem from accepted reality.” (RV Times 12-7-23)

“Accepted?” By whom? The hypocrisy of your policy statement is staggering but obviously you do not see it.  Please do not let the RV Times fall into the same pit that killed the Medford Mail Tribune — assigning itself the role of being the sole arbiter of “accepted reality.”

Climate science is quite complex. The claim that “the science is settled” is a concocted myth. Thousands of scientists state there is no evidence of catastrophic global warming looming.

I enjoy your paper! It looks like you have made quite a few changes from the Tribune to make it economically viable — Kudos! The Rogue Valley NEEDS a newspaper that among numerous other benefits serves as a valuable community forum to thrash out solutions for our many challenges. 

From the Thomas Jefferson Memorial in Washington D.C.: “…truth is great and will prevail if left to herself; she is the proper and sufficient antagonist to error…”

Truth,  science, like democracy itself,  can be contentious, uncomfortable and even strident. Please keep this community forum open to all views even when they strongly contradict your own.  Let truth prevail and the debris fall to the wayside.

Tom Clunie / Ashland

Times deserves thanks for policy on climate change denial

I, too, was disturbed by the two recent letters from climate change deniers.

I think you made an appropriate decision to hold letter writers to a reasonable standard — what the science says.

Thank you.

Richard Spencer / Medford

Marsh: Morgan an excellent choice for Gold Hill position

Congratulations to the City of Gold Hill for recruiting former state Rep. Lily Morgan as its next city manager. 

I’ve served with Lily in Salem where she’s been a stellar colleague and a strong voice for her district. 

Lily is smart, compassionate, good humored, collaborative and always looking out for what is best for her community. 

Best wishes, Lily.  I will miss you.

Pam Marsh / Ashland

State Representative, District 5
