LETTERS TO THE EDITOR: Commissioners measures, race for district attorney

Published 5:00 am Tuesday, February 27, 2024

Commissioners object to expanded board for financial reasons

It is unfair for taxpayers to pay a salary of two and a half times that of a working individual in Jackson County to a county commissioner. 

One commissioner, Rick Dyer, earns for his part-time job as county commissioner $136,000 a year or over $11,000 a month in income plus medical and other benefits. That is, this one individual commissioner makes $81,000 more than the average working individual in Jackson County.

The reason the current commissioners are objecting to adding two new commissioners is their financial greed. Elected officials should be working for the benefit of their constituents and not their personal pocketbooks.

In the article by Nick Morgan, Jackson County Administrator Danny Jordan stated that the additional costs for amenities (office space, hiring staff, overhead, etc.) would amount to hundreds of thousands of dollars if additional commissioners are added. 

Note to Danny Jordan: Why not just simply do what the commissioners have voted for with the homeless, such as providing metal ocean containers for housing, or for teachers which is to use “temporary” classrooms that become permanent … trailers.

I object to these scare tactics from the three commissioners and the county administrator. There are simpler solutions to expenditures for adding two new county commissioners and reducing to a salary level still higher than the average worker in Jackson County by about $20,000 a year.

Maybe it is a time to change the individuals holding administrative and commissioners position in Jackson County for the wellbeing of their constituents.

Sally Edwards / Medford

Commissioners, administrator should get priorities straight

County Administrator Danny Jordan is trying to dissuade the voters from increasing the number of commissioners from three to five. He uses a potential monetary tax increase as his argument.

Perhaps Jordan should let the public know about his outrageous salary and golden parachute. And of course, the current commissioners make more than the governor of the state of Oregon.

These people need to get their priorities straight. Their job is to serve the people of Jackson County, not line their own pockets.

Linda Barnett / Ashland

Green would make a great District Attorney

Over the past year, I have had a chance to get to know Patrick Green and greatly support his run for district attorney.

What has made me decide to write this letter was hearing him explain the issues around Measure 110.  Not only did he clearly summarize all sides, but while doing so he expressed significant empathy for those struggling with drug issues.

His explanation was so clear that I could understand why he has been successful as chief deputy district attorney and why he will be a great DA.

Chuck Root / Ashland
