LETTER TO THE EDITOR: Holly Street garden grew from many hands

Published 5:30 am Tuesday, March 26, 2024

Many people to thank for Holly Street garden project

Nick Morgan wrote a beautiful article about our Holly Street Community Garden. We are so grateful for all the help and support from folks in the Rogue Valley, and continue to be.

One organization that deserves a big shout out is the Southern Oregon Landscape Association. This is a group of professional landscapers and landscape architects who chose our garden for a public service project.

Cody Scoggins (Medford Water Commission) and Ed Karlan (Yankee Clipper Landscaping) spearheaded the project. They brought in Jose Leal (Bella Aurora),  Alan Tuck (Alan Tuck Landscapes), and Scott Bradley (Backflow and Landscape Irrigation).

Finally, Mr. Scoggins was successful in requesting that Ewing Plumbing Supply donate all the PVC pipe and fittings we needed.

The joining together in dedication to community, and the generosity of time, labor and equipment buoys my faith in human nature. It was a gift that will last the garden and our community for a very long time!

Dana Kline / Medford

Davis eminently qualified to serve as Circuit Court judge

We are writing to encourage your support of Joe Davis, a candidate for the position of Jackson County Circuit Court Judge.

Those holding that position should have both wide experience in various areas of the law and a deep grounding in the community.

Joe Davis does, having had experience in business and family law as well as having served as a prosecutor.

His commitment to our community includes his service on the boards of Rogue Community College, the YMCA. Jackson County Legal Aid, and Living Opportunities,  He grew up in this valley, and now has a family of his own to whom he is a devoted husband and father.

He is eminently qualified to serve as Jackson County Circuit Court Judge, and would serve our community well.  He deserves your vote.

Gary and Diane Newland / Jacksonville
