ELECTION LETTERS: Nonaffiliated voters; judge, DA races

Published 5:00 am Saturday, May 11, 2024

EDITOR’S NOTE: Due to the volume of election-related letters received, not all can appear in print editions of the Rogue Valley Times. More election letters can be found online at rv-times.com/opinion/letters_to_editor.

Nonaffiliated are disenfranchised

Excuse me. Or as they used to say to invoke inflection, Excuuuuuusssse Me!

As a nonaffiliated voter, I take offense to ideas posed by one writer in a recent Opinion section. He stated that the Jackson County measure to adopt nonpartisan elections, including all voters allows for “activist infiltration.”

Am I an activist infiltrator simply because I am not a Democrat nor Republican? Does not being faithful to one party mean I shouldn’t be allowed to participate in our government?

Further, the writer said the measures would “disenfranchise voters” — the exact opposite is true. I am disenfranchised NOW. I cannot vote in the deciding primary elections NOW. My taxes still go for these elections, but I cannot vote in them NOW.

I’d like to remind us all that we do not live in a one-party county (or country). We all have the right to take part.

Michael Sawicky / Ashland

Orr for Circuit Court judge

I have known Circuit Court Judge David Orr for over 20 years. I worked with him for 10 years in the Jackson County District Attorney’s office and five years as a Jackson County Circuit Court judge.

David has always practiced with a passion for justice. In those years, I have seen David put a lot of time and energy into his case loads. As a deputy district attorney, he handled a wide variety of cases. He carried both a misdemeanor and felony caseload.

David has always had an excellent command of the law and has shown a willingness to follow it regardless of public pressure. One thing that Judge Orr never wavered from was his passion to make sure children in abusive situations were always given justice.

I have no doubt Circuit Court Judge David Orr will continue to bring that same compassion and commitment to Jackson County citizens.

Tim Barnack / Medford / Circuit Court judge

Green for district attorney

Having been the elected district attorney for Jackson County for 20 years, I know the importance of having a career prosecutor in the job.

In the current race for district attorney Patrick Green is that person. Patrick has been a deputy district attorney since 2016. In 2023, our current district attorney, Beth Heckert, chose Patrick to be her chief deputy district attorney.

During his service to the citizens of Jackson County, Patrick has extensive experience both as a trial attorney and as an administrator. He has my vote and I hope he may have yours as well.

Mark Huddleston / Central Point

Davis for Circuit Court judge

I met Joe Davis in 2012. We met during a difficult time of my life. He immediately (and always) was and is patient, kind and compassionate to me.

He is well-educated, isn’t afraid of to go the extra mile, do the extra research or put in the extra hours. He has a phenomenal memory, remembering details that are important to those around him, even with long stretches of time between.

When given a challenge, he looks at the big picture, noting all the different variables, and quickly, yet carefully, comes up with a plan of action. He isn’t afraid to make tough decisions or actively work through things, yet is sensitive when doing so.

He also volunteers his time in the community providing opportunities for future generations. All of these listed qualities would make him an excellent, fair judge for our community. I know I will be voting for him.

Stefanie Fleck / Medford

Bartholomew for district attorney

I hope you will join me in supporting Alyssa Bartholomew for Jackson County District Attorney. Alyssa has over 20 years’ experience in the criminal justice system as a prosecutor, a defense attorney and in civil law. That gives her the depth and breadth of legal knowledge needed for such a highly responsible position.

I have been a long-time supporter of Jackson County district attorneys. I believe Alyssa will carry on and expand on the tradition of firm, impartial and fair justice. Alyssa also has plans for innovations for the office that will make her an ideal new leader in Jackson County as our district attorney.

Please vote for Alyssa Bartholomew. I am certain she will be a professional, intelligent and non-partisan district attorney for Jackson County.

Mike Moran / Medford / (Retired Law Enforcement)

Herbert for Circuit Court judge

Christine Herbert is the most qualified person to be elected judge.

She is an experienced, compassionate and hard working attorney, handling criminal and civil matters, including jury trials. She is committed to doing the best for her clients, who in many cases are children and the most vulnerable in our community.

Christine is committed to our community, including as a volunteer with Rogue Retreat and now serving on its board.

I worked as an attorney in Jackson County for almost 40 years. During this time I got to know Christine as an attorney and one who is well-respected within the legal community.

I also got to know her as someone who is passionate about and works hard for what she believes in — her family (including her cats and dogs), her clients, her community, a legal process that works for all.

Join me in voting for Christine Herbert for Judge.

Colette Boehmer / Medford

Will new DA prosecute Lewis case?

Sixteen years ago, Dave Lewis was viciously and heinously burned to death in his home. The District Attorney’s Office claims it is an open and ongoing investigation.

We have one question for the Esquire who are running for lead in the DA office. Will you prosecute this case? Law enforcement have stated it should have been done in 2008, under Mr. Huddleston.

There is a mountain of circumstantial evidence, solid proof, and it was surmised, arrests and court proceedings should have happened immediately. Candidates: Will you prosecute?

Linda Lewis Miller / Ashland
