LETTERS TO THE EDITOR: Jail alternative, election issues

Published 5:00 am Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Rent Jefferson County jail beds

In Nick Morgan’s recent article, he covered the Jackson County proposal to fund a new, 700-plus bed jail at a cost to county taxpayers of approximately $234 million.

Yet, Jefferson County, four hours away, has had over 700-plus unoccupied beds in its Deer Ridge facility available since its construction in 2008.

That fact begs the question: Why aren’t we exploring the option of working with Jefferson County to rent those beds for Jackson County inmates at a much-reduced cost to the taxpayers of both counties?

Since COVID, the mantra has been, “We’re all in this together.” So it makes sense that we work county-to-county to solve this mutual problem.

John F. Owen / Ashland

Bartholomew for district attorney

I encourage Jackson County voters to join me in voting for Alyssa Bartholomew for district attorney.

I have known Alyssa for over 20 years. She was a prosecutor in Washington state for four years, prosecuting major felonies, including murder. When she moved to Southern Oregon, there were no positions in the DA’s office, so she became a defense attorney.

She has held leadership positions in the Oregon State Bar and volunteered in the community. Her 360-degree view of both sides of criminal law makes her the ideal candidate to support victims and hold offenders accountable.

She is supported by many active and retired law enforcement officers, judges, the Medford Chamber PAC, and community leaders.

Being a mother of three children, she wants a safe community for all. Her colleagues agree — as she defeated her opponent in a preference poll of Jackson County attorneys. The community needs Alyssa as district attorney.

Ray Heysell / Medford

Bartholomew for district attorney

The DA is critical to the criminal justice system, and citizens must understand the importance of their votes. I have known Alyssa Bartholomew for over a decade and as a retired police chief, I know she is the best choice for DA.

I live in Josephine County, but understand crime moves between our counties. Relationships with regional law enforcement and DAs are vital. Aside from supervising deputy DA’s, the DA interacts with law enforcement agencies.

As a chief, I frequently met with our DA over multiple topics, including officer-involved shooting protocols and pending criminal cases. The DA must be logical, compassionate and balance the needs of victims, while supporting our law enforcement officers.

That understanding, intelligence and political savvy comes from decades of experience. Bartholomew’s endorsements include criminal justice professionals willing to put their reputations on the line to say Alyssa Bartholomew should be the next Jackson County DA.

Joe Henner / Merlin

Oppose commissioner ballot measures

224-No. More information is better, more transparency is better. Knowing party affiliation helps voters understand candidates. Vote No on 15-224.

225-No. “If it ain’t broke don’t fix it.” Jackson County is a repeat Government Finance Officers Association award winner. Vote No on 15-225.

226-No. Lower pay does not bring better people. Cost of change to five commissioners could be extreme (Rogue Valley Times 2/15/2024). Vote No on 15-226.

Richard Glimpse / Medford
