LETTERS TO THE EDITOR: Pipelines for water, eliminating natural gas
Published 6:00 am Tuesday, June 25, 2024
Eliminating natural gas only feels good
I appreciate Neil Stewart’s Guest Column on natural gas.
The current push to eliminate natural gas from the energy grid, while possibly well intended, is more of a “feel good” move that resolves angst for the crusaders. Natural gas producers are not above producing their own propaganda, however, it is an established energy efficient infrastructure that can be improved upon. As mentioned, the electrical grid is horribly inefficient and need to be revamped to meet future demands.
Also home energy use accounts for a very small percentage of fossil fuel use, transportation being the largest.
Chris Adams / Ashland
Build pipelines for water
Instead of building potentially catastrophic LNG and oil pipelines for the benefit of big business, foreign entities and politicians in the pockets of lobbyists, perhaps we should build pipelines for a more precious resource, water, from areas of devastating abundance (see current events on the Gulf Coast and most of Florida), and transported to replenish the aquifers and farming resources of California, Washington, Oregon and other areas of drought and fire.
Michael Emmens / Medford