OUTDOOR ADVENTURES: Climate change, work party, classes, hikes and more

Published 1:00 pm Tuesday, November 12, 2024

Erik Jules, a biology professor with Cal Poly Humboldt, will speak Nov. 21 in Ashland about two studies looking at how climate change may be impacting plants in the region and how conifers are responding to climate change and decades of fire suppression.

Jules will speak via an audio-visual link during an in-person monthly meeting of the Siskiyou Chapter of the Native Plant Society of Oregon. The meeting is set for 7-8:30 p.m. in Room 161 of the Science Building at Southern Oregon University.

To register for the audio-visual talk in order to view it remotely, visit bit.ly/npsotalks. For more information, send an email to si_president@npsoregon.org.

Party this Friday at Provolt recreation site

Volunteers are invited to a work party set for 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Friday at the U.S. Bureau of Land Management’s Provolt Recreation Site. The event, hosted by the Applegate Partnership and Watershed Council, is slated to include the installation of wooden benches, repairing trails, cutting blackberries and more.

The site, a former seed orchard, is along the Applegate River east of Murphy and about 20 miles from Jacksonville, at 14171 Williams Highway.

People attending the party should wear work gloves, work clothes and dress for the weather. Tools, snacks and lunch will be provided. For more information, contact the council at 541-899-9982.

Climate group hosts annual fundraiser

Southern Oregon Climate Action Now is hosting a “Sips For Sustainability” fundraiser from 6-8 p.m. Saturday at Bellview Grange, 1050 Tolman Creek Road in Ashland. The event is the organization’s annual fundraiser and will include appetizers, live music and conversation.

Tickets are $20 per person. For more information, email isabella@socan.eco or visit bit.ly/socan-sips.

Cyclocross series continues Saturday at VOR

The 26th annual Southern Oregon Outlaw Cyclocross bicycle race series benefitting Josephine County Search and Rescue is set for its fourth round from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. Saturday at Valley of the Rogue State Park near Gold Hill.

Beginner/intermediate races start at 10 a.m. while advanced and expert races start at 11 a.m. Cyclocross racing is run on a short course containing obstacles. The final leg of the series is Nov. 23 at Tom Pearce Park near Grants Pass.

For more information, visit cycleanalysis.net, call Cycle Analysis at 541-899-9190 or visit the shop at 110 N. Fifth St. in Jacksonville.

Siskiyou Field Institute offers mushroom class

The Siskiyou Field Institute is hosting a two-day class about truffles of the Siskiyou Mountains from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday and Sunday at its facility in Selma, 1241 Illinois River Road.

Truffles are highly evolved mushrooms that have adapted for survival by “going underground,” where they often go unnoticed. Participants will learn where to look for them and how to identify them by sight, smell and under the microscope. Participants also will learn about the important ecological roles of mushrooms.

The class involves easy hiking up to a mile. Ages 16 and older are welcome.  Cost is $140. Register at thesfi.org. Call 541-597-8530 for more information.

Motorcycle riders group to hold annual meeting

The Motorocycle Riders Association is scheduled to hold its annual membership meeting at 6:30 p.m. Wednesday at Las Palmas Mexican Cuisine, 1501 Sage Road in Medford. The meeting will cover the year in review, land purchases, grants, races, poker runs, trash clean up and trail maintenance. Officers will be elected, too.

For more information, visit motorcycleridersassociation.org or send an email to mra@motorcycleridersassociation.org.

Create felting art at KS Wild event

Join fiber artist Corbin Brashear at the KS Wild office in Ashland this Sunday to create cute songbirds or owls out of wool using a felting needle. This class is for all skill levels. It runs 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. Cost is $55-$75, on a sliding scale, with 25% of the proceeds going to the Klamath-Siskiyou Wildlands Center, 562 A St. in Ashland. Bring payment with you.

Space is limited. Register at kswild.org to reserve your spot or call 541-488-5789, extension 1014.

Oregon State Parks updating Curry County master plan

The public is invited to comment in connection with a proposed updated master plan for Oregon State Parks in Curry County. The planning process assesses resources, management goals and community needs. The deadline to comment on the survey is Nov. 15.

To take the survey, visit surveymonkey.com/r/QMBPQC5. Learn more about the planning process at bit.ly/40HHdiZ.

Extension Service offers class on perennial grasses

A class about native perennial grasses is being offered 6-8 p.m. Nov. 19 by the Southern Oregon Research & Extension Center, 569 Hanley Road in Central Point. 

Native perennial grasses help stabilize soil, provide habitat, reduce wildfire risk and more. They were once widespread in the region but have been reduced by grazing practices, fire suppression and invasive species.

Class participants will learn how to recognize and encourage these important grass species. Locally sourced native perennial grass seed and seedlings will be given away.

Cost is $15. Participants may attend in person at the center or online. To register, visit beav.es/UcY.

In another matter, the center also is hosting one-hour sessions for people interested in becoming a Master Gardener. Sessions are set for 2 p.m. Nov. 20, 1 p.m. Dec. 14, 2 p.m. Dec. 18 and 1 p.m. Jan. 11 at the center. Call 541-776-7371 for more information.

Hike to summit of Stein Butte set for Nov. 22

Join KS Wild adventures on Nov. 22 to take on a difficult 9-mile trek to the top of Stein Butte, which rises to more than 4,000 feet elevation near Applegate Lake and provides views of the Siskiyou Crest, Red Buttes and Grayback Mountain.

The hike is not for the faint of heart and should be undertaken only by experienced hikers. It is steep and will gain 2,480 feet. Carpooling is available. Register at www.kswild.org.

Take a hike with Medford Parks and Rec

People 55 and older are invited to take a hike with Medford Parks and Recreation Nov. 19 to Cathedral Hills and Nov. 26 to Roxy Ann Peak. Other hikes are set for Dec. 3 to Ti’Lomikh Falls and Dec. 10 to Cantrall Creek.

Meet at Rogue X, 901 Rossanley Drive in Medford, on the day of the event and take a van to the trail. Cost is $18 for Medford residents and $24 for non-residents. Register early, as space is limited.

Call 541-774-2400 for more information or visit playmedford.com (click on “Program Guide” and navigate to the hikes page).

Cities publish fall activities guides

The cities of Medford, Ashland and Central Point have published activity and recreational guides for the fall season, including classes, events and outings. View them at playmedford.comashlandoregon.gov/parks and centralpointoregon.gov/parksrec.

Want to publicize your upcoming outdoors event for free? Send details to writer Shaun Hall at 541-761-6726 or shaunmichaelhall@gmail.com. Submissions about upcoming events are encouraged.
