OUTDOOR ADVENTURES: Medford parks plan, movie night, birds, climate and more

Published 12:00 pm Tuesday, November 19, 2024

Editor’s note: For full listings and web hyperlinks, see rv-times.com/outdoors

The public is being asked to comment on a new parks strategic plan before it goes to Medford City Council next month. Comments will be shared with the council.

To view the plan, visit medfordoregon.gov/…/medfordparks… To comment on the plan, visit https://bit.ly/4eAPUPh.

Mountain club offers free movie night

Join the Siskiyou Mountain Club for a free movie night at 6:30 p.m. Thursday at its location in the Ashland Underground Marketplace, 33 N. Third St., below the Avant Garb and the Fly Shop.

Communications coordinator Vincent DiFrancesco will showcase clips and bloopers from the club’s 2024 season. Snacks and drinks will be provided.

DiFrancesco is the director of “A Long Way to Nowhere,” a documentary about the club’s Wilderness Conservation Corps. For more information, call 458-254-0657 or visit siskiyoumountainclub.org.

Learn about impacts of climate change, fire suppression

Erik Jules, a biology professor with Cal Poly Humboldt, will speak Thursday in Ashland about two studies looking at how climate change may be impacting plants in the region and how conifers are responding to climate change and decades of fire suppression.

Jules will speak via an audio-visual link during an in-person monthly meeting of the Siskiyou Chapter of the Native Plant Society of Oregon. The meeting is set for 7-8:30 p.m. in Room 161 of the Science Building at Southern Oregon University.

To register for the audio-visual talk in order to view it remotely, visit bit.ly/npsotalks. For more information, send an email to si_president@npsoregon.org.

Hike to summit of Stein Butte with KS Wild

Join KS Wild on Friday to take on a difficult 9-mile trek to the top of Stein Butte, which rises to more than 4,000 feet in elevation near Applegate Lake and provides views of the Siskiyou Crest, Red Buttes and Grayback Mountain.

The hike is not for the faint of heart and should be undertaken only by experienced hikers. It is steep and will gain 2,480 feet. Carpooling is available. Register at www.kswild.org.

Learn about migratory birds, raptors

The Klamath Bird Observatory of Ashland has scheduled upcoming events about migratory birds and raptors:

• Learn about the birds of Southern Oregon that migrate to the western region of Mexico during a presentation set for 9-11 a.m. Saturday at the Talent Library, 101 Home St. A bird walk will follow to Lynn Newberry Park.

Martín López Aguilar of Jalisco, Mexico, will be the presenter. The presentation will be in Spanish and English. Binoculars will be available to borrow.

• Join KBO board members Amanda Alford and Dick Ashford as they lead a hawk identification workshop from 6-8:30 p.m Dec. 5 at 2425 Siskiyou Blvd. in Ashland, followed by a day-long outing for raptor viewing in the Klamath Basin. Half the class will visit the basin on Dec. 7 while the other half visits on Dec 15.

Participation is limited. Cost is $65. Sign up at klamathbird.org. Call 541-201-0866 for more information.

The 2024 election and climate action

Southern Oregon Climate Action Now is hosting a presentation and discussion on Nov. 26 about the 2024 election and what it means for climate action. The event will take place during the organization’s next general meeting, set for 6-7:30 p.m. at the Medford Library, 205 S. Central Ave.

For more information, call 541-324-4501 or visit socan.eco.

Forest Service sets webinars about draft forest plan

The U.S Forest Service is hosting two online sessions about the Northwest Forest Plan Draft Environmental Impact Statement.

• Wednesday, Nov. 20, from 5-6:30 p.m. Register at https://shorturl.at/3islZ

• Thursday, Dec. 5, from noon to 1:30 p.m. Register at https://shorturl.at/2edLg

The webinars coincide with a 120-day comment period that started Friday.

Audubon Society hosts presentation about wildlife rehab

The Rogue Valley Audubon Society is hosting an online presentation at 7 p.m. Nov. 26 about Badger Run Wildlife Rehab of Keno.

Founder Liz Burton will discuss how she got started in wildlife rehabilitation, her original vision for Badger Run and what happened along the way. She will also give a brief case study, from injured bird intake through rehabilitation.

A link to the meeting will be posted to the Rogue Valley Audubon Society’s website, rougevalleyaudubon.org, on the day of the talk.

Learn about cutting down a Christmas tree

People may cut Christmas trees on U.S. Forest Service or Bureau of Land Management lands using a permit from either agency. Details about permits, maps, tips and safety information is available at https://tinyurl.com/3vuuruar.

Start Turkey Day with a trot

Two turkey trot races are scheduled for early Thanksgiving Day.

• The Grants Pass YMCA will host its 11th annual Turkey Trot on Thanksgiving Day. Sign up for either a 2-mile fun run or a 5k race. Awards will be given for the for best costumes.

Check-in begins at 7:30 a.m., and the race begins at 8:30 a.m. Register at grantspassymca.org. For more information, contact Matt Wardlaw at 541-474-0001 or mwardlaw@grantspassymca.net.

• The Talent Turkey Trot, hosted by the nonprofit Southern Oregon Runners, is set for Thanksgiving Day at 300 W. Valley View Road, in the Cummins parking lot. Advance registration is required.

The Kids Dash is at 7:45 a.m., the 8-mile run is at 8:15 a.m., the 5k race is at 8:30 a.m. and the 2-mile fun run is at 8:40 a.m.

Children under 18 run for free. Adults are $15-20 per person. Proceeds benefit youth running programs. There’s also a food drive. Canned soups, vegetables and tuna are among the suggested donations, as is rice and pancake mix.

Register at runsignup.com; search for Talent Turkey Trot.

Free fishing days are coming

Everyone can fish, clam and crab for free in Oregon on Nov. 29 and 30. No waterway access permits or fishing/shellfish licenses or tags are required for those two days. All other Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife fishing regulations apply, including closures, bag limits and size restrictions.

Pacifica to host 25th Winterfest

Join Pacifica as the nonprofit organization celebrates its 25th Winterfest from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Dec. 7-8, featuring local artisans and live music. There will be food, drinks and a family holiday photo booth. Pacifica, a 420-acre nature preserve, is at 14615 Water Gap Road, Williams.

Take a hike with Medford Parks and Rec

People 55 and older are invited to take a hike with Medford Parks and Recreation on Nov. 26 to Roxy Ann Peak, on Dec. 3 to Ti’Lomikh Falls and on Dec. 10 to Cantrall Creek.

Meet at Rogue X, 901 Rossanley Drive in Medford, on the day of the event and take a van to the trail. Cost is $18 for Medford residents and $24 for non-residents. Register early, as space is limited.

Call 541-774-2400 for more information or visit playmedford.com (click on “Program Guide” and navigate to the hikes page).

All-terrain track chair available in Lithia Park

Ashland Parks and Recreation has announced that a David’s Chair all-terrain track chair is now available for reservation in Lithia Park. The city has partnered with David’s Chair, a nonprofit to provide the chair to benefit individuals with mobility challenges.

Reserve a time at https://davidschair.org/request-fixed-location-chair/. To donate to David’s Chair, go to https://davidschair.org/donate-to-davids-chair/.

Learn about safe boating, education card

For people who want to obtain a boating safety education card, which is required to operate a boat more than 10 horsepower, the US Coast Guard Auxiliary and the US Power Squadrons offer continuing education classes. For those who want a refresher without retaking a course, go to Boat Oregon Course Book.

If you are new to paddling crafts such as kayaks, canoes, drift boats, row boats, stand up paddleboards, inflatable rafts, or hydrofoils, you can get educated by visiting its Go Paddling page.

For more information, contact the Oregon State Marine Board at 503-378-8587 or marine.board@boat.oregon.gov

Join a weekly walking club in Butte Falls, Gold Hill

The Gold Hill and Butte Falls libraries offer walking clubs:

• The Gold Hill Walking Club takes a weekly neighborhood walk Wednesdays at noon, starting from the Gold Hill Library, 202 Dardanelles St.

For more information, call the library at 541-855-1994.

• The Butte Falls Walking Club takes a weekly neighborhood walk Thursdays at 1 p.m. starting from the Butte Falls Library, 626 Fir Ave.

For more information, call the library at 541-865-3511.

Send us news about your upcoming events Want to publicize your upcoming outdoors event for free? Send details to writer Shaun Hall at 541-761-6726 or shaunmichaelhall@gmail.com. Submissions about upcoming events are encouraged. {related_content_uuid}cf140a7f-8b7b-4f66-babe-9cd7e0d2fed9{/related_content_uuid}

Send us news about your upcoming events Want to publicize your upcoming outdoors event for free? Send details to writer Shaun Hall at 541-761-6726 or shaunmichaelhall@gmail.com. Submissions about upcoming events are encouraged. {related_content_uuid}cf140a7f-8b7b-4f66-babe-9cd7e0d2fed9{/related_content_uuid}

Want to publicize your upcoming outdoors event for free? Send details to writer Shaun Hall at 541-761-6726 or shaunmichaelhall@gmail.com. Submissions about upcoming events are encouraged.
