OUTDOOR ADVENTURES: Snow play, jogging, holiday events and more
Published 1:00 pm Tuesday, November 26, 2024
- With lots of snow up in the mountains, Diamond Lake Resort expects to open its tubing hill this weekend. The hill has a stand-on lift to carry people back to the top of the run.
Editor’s note: For full listings and web hyperlinks, see rv-times.com/outdoors
Diamond Lake Resort is scheduled to open its inner tube slide hill from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. on Saturday and Sunday, the first time in years it’s been open this early in the season, thanks to heavy snowfall. Tickets are $44.39 per person and are available at diamondlake.net
Tickets can sell fast. They allow unlimited uphill rides on a “magic carpet” lift during each session. All tubes are provided by the resort. All riders must be at least 3 feet tall and capable of sitting in their own tube. For more information, call 541-793-3333, ext 5.
Snowshoe with a ranger near Hyatt Lake
Join Bureau of Land Management interpretive rangers for a free snowshoe hike through the forest at Hyatt Lake Recreation Area 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. Dec. 21, Jan. 11 or Feb. 8, leaving from the Rite Aid in Ashland with optional carpooling. Early registration is suggested, as available spots can fill quickly.
The outings are suitable for ages 12 and older. Snowshoes and poles are provided. Rangers will explain winter adaptations of plants and animals, animal tracks and signs, the basics of snow science and the environment that hides beneath the snow.
The outings are a collaboration between the BLM and the Friends of Cascade-Siskiyou National Monument. Sign up at bit.ly/3VvloQv. For more information, send an email to jduwe@blm.gov.
‘Turkey Trot’ events set for Grants Pass, Talent
Two turkey trot races are scheduled for early Thanksgiving Day.
• The Grants Pass YMCA will host its 11th annual Turkey Trot on Thanksgiving Day. Sign up for either a 2-mile fun run or a 5k race. Awards will be given for the best costumes.
Check-in begins at 7:30 a.m., and the race begins at 8:30 a.m. Register at grantspassymca.org. For more information, contact Matt Wardlaw at 541-474-0001 or mwardlaw@grantspassymca.net.
• The Talent Turkey Trot, hosted by the nonprofit Southern Oregon Runners, is set for Thanksgiving Day at 300 W. Valley View Road, in the Cummins parking lot. Advance registration is required.
The Kids Dash is at 7:45 a.m., the 8-mile run is at 8:15 a.m., the 5k race is at 8:30 a.m. and the 2-mile fun run is at 8:40 a.m.
Children under 18 run for free. Adults are $15-20 per person. Proceeds benefit youth running programs. There’s also a food drive. Canned soups, vegetables and tuna are among the suggested donations, as is rice and pancake mix.
Register at runsignup.com; search for Talent Turkey Trot.
Fish, clam or crab for free Friday and Saturday
Everyone can fish for free in Oregon on Friday and Saturday, with no waterway access permits or fishing licenses or tags required. All other Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife fishing regulations apply, including closures, bag limits and size restrictions.
Clamming and crabbing is free, but several closures are in place. For more information, visit myodfw.com.
Jet boat hearing slated for Dec. 4 in Medford
The Oregon State Marine Board will hold a public hearing Dec. 4 in Medford about proposed limits on jet boat use on the Rogue River upstream of Gold Hill.
The hearing is set for 2-6 p.m. in Room HEC 129 at the Rogue Community College Medford campus, 114 S. Bartlett St. The hearing is available online, too, although testimony will not be accepted by telephone.
The board is scheduled to meet on Jan. 23 to take possible action on the new rules. Written comments will be accepted until 12:55 p.m. on Dec. 20.
To view the hearing notice and proposed rules, visit bit.ly/3Z4wjBp.
Bicycle-pedestrian upgrades proposed for byway
An online meeting is set for noon to 1 p.m. Dec. 4 to discuss draft concept designs for bicycle and pedestrian improvements along the Rogue-Umpqua National Scenic Byway, which follows highways 234, 62, 230 and 138 as they loop east from Gold Hill and past Crater Lake National Park to Roseburg.
Join the Rogue-Umpqua Corridor Master Plan project team to learn about the designs, which are based upon conditions review, data analysis, stakeholder input, public input and preliminary engineering.
Join the meeting online at bit.ly/3CH7Gn3. Visit the project website at bit.ly/3B9n0bk.
Audubon Society to lead monthly outing to wildlife area
Join the Rogue Valley Audubon Society on Dec. 4 for its monthly outing to Denman Wildlife Area. Walks begin at 8:30 a.m. and end before noon. They are led by Jim Hostick.
For directions and additional information, visit roguevalleyaudubon.org.
Take a hike with Medford Parks and Rec
People 55 and older are invited to take a hike with Medford Parks and Recreation on Dec. 3 to Ti’Lomikh Falls and on Dec. 10 to Cantrall Creek. The hike to the falls is full, but there’s a wait list.
Meet at Rogue X, 901 Rossanley Drive in Medford, on the day of the event and take a van to the trail. Cost is $18 for Medford residents and $24 for non-residents. Register early, as space is limited.
Call 541-774-2400 for more information or visit playmedford.com (click on “Program Guide” and navigate to the hikes page).
Forest Service sets Dec. 5 webinar about draft forest plan
The U.S Forest Service is hosting an online session Dec. 5 about a draft environmental impact statement for a revised Northwest Forest Plan, which will guide agency actions. The session is set for from noon to 1:30 p.m. Register atshorturl.at/2edLg. The public may comment on the draft through January.
Bird observatory hosts raptor workshop, outing
Join Klamath Bird Observatory board members Amanda Alford and Dick Ashford as they lead a hawk identification workshop from 6-8:30 p.m. Dec. 5 at 2425 Siskiyou Blvd. in Ashland, followed by a day-long outing for raptor viewing in the Klamath Basin. Half the class will visit the basin on Dec. 7 while the other half visits on Dec 15.
Participation is limited. Cost is $65. Sign up at klamathbird.org. Call 541-201-0866 for more information.
Annual ski and gear swap set for Dec. 7-8
The annual Ashland Ski & Gear Swap is scheduled from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Dec. 7 and from 9 a.m. to noon Dec. 8 in the Rogue River Room of Stevenson Union at Southern Oregon University, 1250 Siskiyou Blvd.
The swap features new and used outdoor equipment and clothing. It’s managed by Indigo Creek Outfitters, with help from the Southern Oregon University Outdoor Program, which receives a portion of the proceeds.
Gear drop-off times are 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. on Dec. 5 and 6. For more information, go to ashlandskiswap.com or call 541-282-4535
Pacifica to host 25th Winterfest
Join Pacifica as the nonprofit organization celebrates its 25th Winterfest from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Dec. 7-8, featuring local artisans and live music. There will be food, drinks and a family holiday photo booth. Pacifica, a 420-acre nature preserve, is at 14615 Water Gap Road, Williams.
Ashland seeks comment on parks projects plan
The Ashland Parks and Recreation Commission is seeking public comments on a draft capital improvements project plan until Dec. 15. View the plan at bit.ly/412rv21.
Comments can be made via email, regular mail or at the commission’s Dec. 4 meeting. The commission is set to consider approving the plan Jan. 8.
For more information, contact Rocky Houston, department director, at 541-488-5340.
For information, visit ashlandparksandrec.org.
In another commission matter, volunteers are being sought to serve on an Ashland trails advisory committee. Apply atbit.ly/4fI7phZ.
Want to publicize your upcoming outdoors event for free? Send details to writer Shaun Hall at 541-761-6726 or shaunmichaelhall@gmail.com. Submissions about upcoming events are encouraged.