Published 12:23 pm Tuesday, February 4, 2025
Suggestions for a new NMHS gymnasium
I know it is early to start thinking about what will replace the gym at North Medford High that collapsed, but I have a couple suggestions that might even raise some money for the school.
When they build the new gym, offer the public and alumni the chance to have their names and graduation years carved in a brick that they could buy and then put these bricks in the new lobby area of the gym on the floor where the old concession area was and around the new trophy case.
Also, sell 1-foot squares of the old gym floor to the public, if it can be salvaged, as I am sure there are people interested in having something to remember the old gym from. I think both of these would be popular as I would participate in this if it was available and the school could make some money off it to help replace lost items from the collapse of the roof.
It won’t make a ton of money but it would be better than nothing and give the community a connection to the school and show the current students they are in our thoughts.
Medford School District, if you are listening, at least give it a thought.
Bruce Clemans / Snohomish, Washington
Take action against age discrimination
I am writing to urge action against age discrimination in Oregon’s workplaces and to call for updates to our outdated laws.
I am a senior who is very active in this community volunteering with several service groups. I am a healthcare professional with decades of experience, and I know older workers like me who have valuable skills to contribute to the workforce. Yet, right here in Oregon, we older workers face age discrimination and that isn’t fair.
I have listened to the stories of many older workers, who have reported experiencing or witnessing age discrimination. I have learned that in Oregon, 55% of workers over 40 have made these reports and that age discrimination severely impacts women and people of color. Older workers take longer to find jobs. Some are pushed into early retirement or forced into lower-paying jobs. Health statistics show that people are living longer. Most people will need to work longer to be secure, but age discrimination is threatening the financial security of many.
More than 10 years ago, a U.S. Supreme Court ruling made it tougher to prove age discrimination. Oregon courts have followed this stricter approach, leaving older workers with limited options for legal help.
Workplace age discrimination has no place in Oregon. Let’s fix the law so all workers are treated fairly based on their qualifications, not stereotypes. I urge readers to support legislative efforts in 2025 to strengthen protections for older workers. Let’s take a stand and give them a chance.
Dr. Geneva Craig / Medford
Immigration sweeps can targets innocents
Legal immigrants who are citizens and taxpayers are being targeted in the Rogue Valley and elsewhere. My Latino helper shared that she, her family, friends and co-workers are being targeted just because they are Latinos. They are told to “Go back to Mexico.”
These American citizens who pay taxes are afraid immigration officers are coming to take them away. A child is afraid to go to school, Latinos are afraid to grocery shop and even attend their church because they have witnessed others randomly being taken from their homes, schools and churches just because of their Latino heritage. Immigration officers go to addresses where illegal Latinos have lived to find now house legal citizens! These residents are arrested anyway. Shocked does not express my outrage.
I support deporting all illegal people coming into our country who are criminals, with cartels pushing illegal drugs and exploitation of children for sex. The immigration officers who arrest legal Latinos need to be screened and fired from their position. Supervision of immigration officers need to restore confidence to the Latino communities they are safe as legal citizens.
Who will take responsibility to stop the random arrests just because they are Latino? Talk to your representatives and senators today. Why should these Americans have to live in fear, afraid to leave their homes? Is this the America where innocent Latinos or other races are arrested and deported because of race?
Barbara Field / Medford
What threatens Southern Oregon
The campaign to terminate federal employees and withhold funds already committed to undertaking critical projects designed to protect Americans is affecting Southern Oregonians. These efforts do not simply affect some nameless, faceless folks living across the nation; they affect us.
It’s probable that withholding funds from the Federal Aviation Administration will ultimately compromise air traffic control in Medford to the detriment of safe air travel in and out of the city. Meanwhile, withholding funds from the Centers for Disease Control research projects will ultimately compromise our health care system.
Terminating employees at, and withholding funds from, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration will compromise our local weather office and thus our ability to know about weather patterns such as severe wildfire conditions and thunderstorms that threaten our safety.
Meanwhile, withholding funds from forest management efforts undertaken by, for example, the local outfit Lomakatsi, that reduce wildfire risk will increase the chances that wildfire again decimates the area and threatens the lives and homes of Southern Oregonians.
Finally, allowing unqualified, unelected and unaccountable individuals into the Federal Treasury and Social Security offices and data systems threatens the security of individual and personal data of Southern Oregonians.
There is no doubt that waste exists in Government spending, but undermining entire programs that serve us simply in order to fund tax cuts for the wealthy is mindless, destructive and anti-social nonsense. When will our elected federal legislators put a stop to this?
Alan Journet / Jacksonville
Remembering Bill Thorndike, Jr.
Now, more than ever, we need leaders who see humanity in every person they meet, who can bridge the divide between opposing views and be the catalyst for change. Bill Thorndike was one of those leaders.
I was crushed this week to learn that Jackson County, and all of Oregon, lost this incredible public servant. The list of Bill’s commitments to his community was long, and the list of people who benefitted from his work is even longer. I know I am but one of many members of his statewide fan club. I know I saw but a tiny fraction of his impact, but if we could bottle a little of his spirit and spread it around Oregon, many of our vexing difficulties would begin to yield, just like so many others did when they met Bill.
Bill’s influence will undoubtedly live on. Those of us who were inspired by him will carry on his commitment to kindness and civic engagement. I have a trip to Medford coming up this spring. I was looking forward to spending time with Bill, as I always did, and though I won’t be able to talk with him, I know I’ll see evidence of his work wherever I look.
Governor McCall said heroes are those people who say “this is my community, and it’s my responsibility to make it better.” Bill Thorndike cleared that hurdle and then some. Thanks to all of you in Jackson County for sharing him with us.
Tobias Read, Secretary of State / Oregon