Published 12:23 pm Tuesday, February 4, 2025
Snow shovel helpers
My neighbors and I were out shoveling our driveways last Tuesday before the next storm. I had to stop because it was slippery and went inside.
However, I noticed a group of people shoveling driveways in the area. I went outside and asked them if they would do mine. They appeared to be teenagers with a father supervising. They said yes, and I asked if they were charging. The young woman told me $20 for half an hour. I told her to go ahead and do mine, too.
What a wonderful way for these young people to spend time on their snow day helping others and earning money. Thank you so much!
Shari O’Neal / Ashland
Happy to make a local difference
Many of us spend a lot of our time worrying about national or international news. I don’t.
I do what makes me happy. I look within my “community.” I pay attention to those things with which I can personally make a difference.
Sure, I vote, but doing something locally means more to me.
I support the Rogue Valley Symphony. I say something cheerful to the clerk at my Safeway store. I pour wine at the Schneider Museum events. I pack bags of food for kids to have on weekends. I am the treasurer of my Rotary club.
I pick up trash on the bike path when I walk. I play lots of bridge to keep my mind alert and to have face-to-face interaction with other humans. I am an 87 year old man and I am happy because I choose to be. You can choose also. Do it.
Jerry G. Kenefick / Ashland
‘Roboticketing’ keeps people out of Medford
I am a resident of Ashland, and have been having conversations with many others here, regarding the roboticketing system in place on both Riverside and Central Avenues in Medford. Many of us have agreed that staying out of downtown Medford is the best defense, as we have been getting ticketed, we feel, unfairly.
There are two issues: first, the reduction of the speed limit on these two main thoroughfares to 20 mph (a school zone speed, and not really right for these heavily used streets). The number of people who “speed” on these streets has been causing massive ticketing.
The second issue is the length of yellow lights, which seem to be designed to “catch red light runners.” I was ticketed this way last year, and had to pay a hefty fine (first ticket like this in 55 years of driving). The problem is this: When seeing a light turn yellow, one has a choice. Either slam on your brakes, exposing yourself to getting rear-ended, or speed through the light to make it through in time, thus getting caught in the camera going over 20 mph.
It’s a gotcha either way. A real moneymaker for the city, no doubt.
So, we are staying out of downtown. I feel for the merchants who are not getting our business.
Katharine Lang / Ashland