The Ashland Planning Commission will deliberate Tuesday on a number of requested exceptions to the city’s code that, if granted, could lead to the development of one large single-family home in an area long used for outdoor recreation.
The 4,798 square-foot home designed by Architect Carlos Delgado would be built at 231 Granite St. by Stephanie and Bryan DeBoer, according to the agenda item. The total footprint of the home would include a 176-square foot covered entry porch and 710 square feet of outdoor covered patios.
“Because of the steep topography and the existing driveway location and grade, the development of both the home and driveway require several planning approvals,” the staff report said.
The slope for the proposed development is at a gradient greater than 25%, requiring exceptions to hillside standards within the city’s code. The commission will also consider additional requested exceptions to the city’s code, such as the removal of 67 trees, according to the staff report.
The commission meeting is set to begin at 7 p.m. Tuesday, March 11, in the council chamber at 1175 E Main St. The public may attend in person or viewed remotely through Channel 9 or Channels 180 and 181 (Charter Communications) or live streamed via select RVTV Prime. To watch the meeting via zoom, a link was provided in the agenda.
Public testimony will be accepted. Those who wish to speak are asked to fill out a speaker request form, and “please rise and, after you have been recognized by the Chair, give your name and complete address for the record. You will then be allowed to speak,” according to a note on the meeting agenda. The chair may limit public testimony, the note said.
Those who wish to submit written testimony in advance or participate in the meeting via Zoom should contact prior to March 11.
Email reporter Morgan Rothborne at