Los Pumas Reales become a reality for local high school students

Published 11:14 am Wednesday, March 19, 2025

Medford School District starts first Spanish Honors Society at South Medford High School

Recognizing high achievement in Spanish language studies at South Medford High School, the newly-established Sociedad Honoraria Hispánica (Spanish Honors Society) not only brings academic opportunities for students learning the language, but also provides a space to learn about the cultures and customs of Spanish-speaking peoples.

“I’m honestly really excited for it, and we’re going to bring in new activities and learn more as this club continues,” said Yareli Ramirez Nava, vice president of the Spanish Honors Society and a junior at South Medford High.

The group of 20 students — named Los Pumas Reales, or the Royal Panthers as a nod to the high school’s mascot — is a chapter of the national Sociedad Honoraria Hispánica and was started officially this year with a special ceremony in late February.

While the chapter is mainly organized by the students, South Medford High Spanish teacher and advisor Meghann Hernández aids and guides the students as needed as they continue their academic achievements.

“The Spanish Honors Society is open to anybody in the Spanish programs, whether they’re native speakers or non-native speakers,” Hernández said. “You have to have A’s and B’s in the program, so we want the kids to push themselves and challenge themselves.”

Students who remain in the chapter and then graduate can earn their Seal of Biliteracy, which formally recognizes their proficiency in English and Spanish.

“This has helped me a lot when it comes to applying for scholarships or colleges,” said Kaily Gomez-Jacinto, a member and senior at South Medford High.

“It really is special we can offer them those special honors upon graduation,” Hernández said.

Beyond accreditation, being fluent in two languages is a valuable skillset in many ways.

“I feel like being able to speak two languages, you can have better connections with other people and that’s important,” Ramirez Nava said. “Being able to speak Spanish is a gift; you have community and everything and it’s nice to be recognized for it.”

The Royal Panthers chapter also offers a space for students to learn more about the many cultures of Spanish-speaking nations, from food to art and traditions.

“South (Medford High School) I think is 45% Hispanics that go here, so I think having a club like the Spanish Honors Society or the Latino Student Union has been such a great help for embracing that here,” Gomez-Jacinto said. “I think it’s super important to include everyone … I think it’s very helpful for students who are starting off their freshman year or even up to seniors like us.”

“We’re planning to do things that are involving the Mexican culture like platos de frutas (fruit plates) and having things people like and new things for their tastebuds for people who haven’t tried these things,” said Lorely Villa, sophomore and secretary of the chapter.

The sharing of cultures extends beyond Mexico, with students of diverse backgrounds sharing their heritage with the Spanish Honors Society.

“I come from a Guatemalan background and my parents are both from Guatemala, and that’s something that I take pride in,” Gomez-Jacinto said, adding, “when it comes to getting diversity, we need everyone … I’m talking all over South America, Central America, it doesn’t matter where you’re from, it’s important to have everyone in that mixing pot.”

The Royal Panthers will be accepting new members in the spring and fall and will elect new officers this spring.

In order to qualify to join, students at South Medford High must have completed at least three semesters of Spanish with an honors average and currently be enrolled in a Spanish course unless they’ve already completed the highest levels available.

All Spanish Honors Society meetings are fully conducted in Spanish, strengthening members’ fluency.

“I think that 30 years down the line it’ll be something really established and hopefully seen with as much importance as other national societies,” Ramirez Nava said of long-term hopes for the chapter.

New member applications for the 2025-2026 academic year are due to Hernández in Room A221, by May 16.

To learn more about the chapter, visit https://south.medford.k12.or.us/student-life/clubs-activities/spanish-honors-society.

Reach reporter James Sloan at jsloan@rv-times.com.
