LETTERS TO THE EDITOR: A new state flag and a doctor’s reputation
Published 5:15 am Saturday, January 27, 2024
Oregon’s state flag is grand just the way it is
I’m native Oregonian, lived almost exclusively in the Rogue Valley, but I’m guessing the Redmond Spokesman editorial board members aren’t Native Oregonians.
I’m guessing, too, they have time they could better devote to real journalism.
I like our state flag, its simple elegance and colors. True, some artifacts might need upgrading (border welcome signs, travel brochures, acceptable restroom signage), but the flag isn’t one, certainly not like the examples included in the board’s fatuous editorial.
Nothing screams Land of 10,000 Lakes like two pieces of little kid’s padded play mat with a star stuck on one half. And if I didn’t know Utah is the Beehive state, I’d think, like anyone who uses emojis, that’s a pile of something that doesn’t smell as sweet as honey.
Our flag is fine. (Do people really get paid to rate state flags?) How much would the “upgrade” cost total? A million? That seems very conservative. And considering the respect generally shown the American flag, how will a contemporary makeover inspire anyone to be more respectful, prouder, and more excited about the Oregon flag?
It’d be better to use the money to develop class curriculums about the history of Oregon to instill respect for its past and its presence — its failings and its successes?
The Redmond editorial board wants something easily recognized — “State of Oregon” isn’t? And what’s more uniquely distinctive than a beaver?
More pressing issues face state legislators. Don’t burden them, tax their time, insult their professional acumen wasting resources on cosmetic frivolities.
Dominic Zottola / Grants Pass
Doctor’s reputation suffers from ‘mean-spirited article’
The Rogue Valley Times headlined a recent article regarding Medicare fraud. Dr Charles Carmeci’s character and practice were seriously besmirched.
The fact that a settlement was reached seems to me that there is more to the story. Dr. Carmeci has practiced cardiothoracic surgery for more than two decades, and is highly respected by his past partners: doctors Roger Hall, George Wilkinson and David Folsom.
His dedication and fastidious work is well known, as well as his surgical acumen. For a number of years, he has practiced as the sole cardiac surgeon, 24/7 for 7 days a week. His compensation has been noted — almost one-half as much as a professional quarterback earns for a 60-minute game!
I, as most of his peers, share exquisite respect for his work, and are concerned for what appears to be a biased and mean-spirited article.
I appreciate this opportunity to express my strong opinion, and would never hesitate to have Charles Carmeci operate on me or my family.
Ronald Worland / Medford