LETTERS TO THE EDITOR: Animal shelter, track meet and judge election

Published 5:00 am Thursday, April 11, 2024

Increase spaying/neutering to avoid resulting to killing dogs

A major point is being missed when we talk about the Jackson Country Animal Shelter.

The Rogue Valley Times has provided good coverage of the issues with the Jackson County Animal Shelter, from the first discord with volunteers to the idea of a new building to plans to euthanize healthy, adoptable animals to make more room. But no one has mentioned spaying and neutering.

Ever since the pandemic, veterinarians in our region haven’t been able to keep up with the requests for spaying and neutering. People are told to wait from three to six months for an appointment. The delay can result in unwanted dogs and cats.

It’s time we work on prevention before turning to killing. One good solution is for a mobile unit to help spay and neuter pets.

Instead of land and a building, funds could pay for the vehicle, staff, and fuel to travel to where needed, including rural areas. Pasado’s Safe Haven is a nonprofit in Washington that has used a mobile clinic for many years.

Janelle Davidson / Ashland

Credit deserved all around for high school track meet success

Thank you to the Medford Rotary, North Medford High School, and Coach Piet Voskes for putting on a fantastic community event showcasing Southern Oregon’s high school track and field athletes. What a wonderful opportunity it was to see local athletes shine!

The meet was well organized; it was obvious that a lot of thought and hard work went into making it a success. Throughout the two-day meet, it was fun hearing about the history of the event and the people behind that history.

Thank you for providing such a positive event for young athletes and our community.

Jim and Julie Scull / Medford

Many reasons to elect Davis to serve as Circuit Court judge

There are so many really good reasons to favor electing Joe Davis as a superb choice for Jackson County Circuit Court Judge in the upcoming election.

One might, for instance, cite his long and extensive experience as one of the most respected attorneys here in Jackson County. In addition, one can only admire his long history of community service to any number of local non-profit organizations.

One might also support him for his remarkable personal fairness and kindness to people from all walks of life. I personally know him best as an exemplary son, father and family man, one of the most honest, clear-thinking and hard-working human beings in this community.

In short, he is an ideal candidate to be our next Jackson County Circuit Court judge!

John Forsyth / Medford
