THEATER REVIEW: ‘Doubt: A Parable’

Published 11:00 am Thursday, March 20, 2025

Rogue Theater Company stages Pulitzer Prize-winning play at Grizzly Peak Winery

One thing that is so wonderful about plays that promote psychological realism is that they allow you a glimpse into a character’s inner life, even if they don’t always give you answers as to why they do the things they do. The purpose of these plays can often be to have you question your own core beliefs — maybe even create doubt.

That’s exactly what John Patrick Shanley’s brilliant, appropriately named play, “Doubt: A Parable” does. The Rogue Theatre Company (RTC) is currently staging this production at the Richard L. Hay Center at Grizzly Peak Winery in Ashland.

Why is Sister Aloysius, principal of St. Nicholas Catholic school, seeking a confession from the parish pastor, Father Flynn, and what did he do? These are quandaries that take you outside your comfort zone. If you are drawn to works that challenge your sense of justice, this production will certainly captivate and corral you. Accusations build on innuendo until a struggle between a seemingly self-righteous school principal and her parish priest go from ice flow to avalanche.

“Doubt” was inspired, no doubt, by the controversy that was raging at the end of the 20th century and continues today regarding the child sexual predatory practices discovered among some Catholic priests. This Pulitzer Prize-winning play won a Tony in 2005 and an Oscar for Meryl Streep, who played Sister Aloysius in the 2008 film adaptation.

The success of this production comes from John Sipes’ keen, edgy direction of four, focused and courageous actors: Daniel Molina, Vilma Silva, Rainbow Dickerson and Gina Daniels. 

Silva is a perfect Sister Aloysius and school principal in her mannerism and the way she conducts herself. She is determined, stalwart, unwavering and unapologetic.

This is one principal’s office you don’t want to be called into. She handles her character’s subtle intensity in a way that is thrilling to behold.

Molina as Father Flynn is full of parables, which he tells with exquisite phrasing and a depth and a desperateness you don’t often see. When he raises his hand to extend a blessing, we feel in some way that we have been touched, singled out, chosen.

Dickerson is engaging as Sister James, making her way from innocence to insolence and justifiably so. She has been let down by her mentor. She hasn’t trusted her instincts. Dickerson’s dialog didn’t feel real at first. She lost character in saying her lines but she ended in grace.

Daniels as Mrs. Muller turns in a surprise performance as the mother of a troubled son who is the only Black child in a white parochial school. Daniels demonstrates just the right amount of denial and restraint; a mother torn between protecting her son and securing his future.

The production values work well in this challenging space. The sound, sound effects, costumes, lighting and set are all in line with the original drama.

At the beginning Father Flynn asks in his sermon, “What do you do when you are not sure?” 

See if “Doubt” will give you some answers, or at least, more to question.

Performances of “Doubt: A Parable” are scheduled for 1 p.m. Wednesdays through Sundays, through March 30, at Grizzly Peak Winery, 1600 E. Nevada St., Ashland. Regular tickets are $40. See or call 541-205-9190 for showtimes, tickets and further information including special showings, talkbacks and more.

Tagline: Reach Ashland-based writer Lucie K. Scheuer at
