LETTERS TO THE EDITOR: Roxy Ann fire and newsworthy features

Published 5:30 am Saturday, July 15, 2023

Could motorcycles have caused recent Roxy Ann fire?

Was the recent fire on Roxy Ann caused by motorcycles driving around Prescott Park after the park was closed?

When walking my dogs after 9:30 p.m., I occasionally see the headlights and hear motorcycles at the upper reaches of the park. If they are tearing around on the trails, they are a potential fire hazard.

Medford Parks and Recreation says it is not their responsibility to police the park. Whose responsibility is it?

And how quickly is the police department prepared to respond to complaints about motorcycles on Roxy Ann when the park is closed?

H. Bernard Hartman / Medford

Feature stories in the Times are indeed newsworthy

I must not know the difference between news and features because you take the news beyond the commonplace.

In particular, the Bobbie Kolada caregiver assault was Pulitzer worthy. The recent THC poisoning in dogs will make me more wary with my dog.

Keep up the good work on the local angles. Your feature news stories are fabulous!

BJ Lewis / Eagle Point
