LETTERS TO THE EDITOR: Funding the war and covering the news
Published 2:15 pm Saturday, October 21, 2023
It’s time to get involved and halt the drums of war
If you care about what Biden does or how Congress spends our taxes, call Congress: 202- 224-3121. Demand a ceasefire! Bring the hostages home! Stop the killing of Israelis and Palestinians. Halt the war machine.
Sen. Merkley is on the Senate Foreign Relations Committee and Sen. Wyden chairs the Finance Committee, so they especially need to hear from you.
Can you imagine living your entire life as a refugee with scarce food, water, sanitation, medication, fuel, electricity, internet; unemployment above 50%? You’ve never been allowed to leave this strip of land of 2.3 million people packed in like sardines.
If you are reading this, know that Rogue Valley taxpayers are funding the war in Gaza. Throughout Israel’s history, America has provided more foreign aid —meaning weapons/military support — to Israel than to any other nation.
Now, Biden and Congress propose sending $14 billion additional to Israel as hundreds of thousands of Israeli soldiers stand ready to invade Gaza. A ground invasion will only mean more Israelis and Palestinians killed.
The U.S. has leverage. Instead of war, let’s demand a ceasefire and win release of the hostages through diplomacy. Let’s push for a just peace that keeps Israelis and Palestinians safe.
Brenda B. Gould / Ashland
Where’s the hard-hitting news in the Times?
Why all the long features with incredibly high word counts? Why no beat reporters? Hard news happens every day.
Members of my household have seen I-5 choked up through Medford twice since August 30. One of those backups was due to a fatality, but we read nothing about that in the paper.
Crater High School’s band getting fresh new uniforms was placed on the front page and in color. This is wonderful for the band students of CHS, but it is not hard-hitting news.
The front page of a newspaper is its most valuable real estate. Rogue Valley Times is a cultural magazine calling itself a newspaper.
In addition, each day I have tried to read my online edition for the past 10 days, I have encountered a paywall. When I express my concern about that, I am told to be patient, the problem is being worked on.
Meanwhile, we are paying for a service we are not receiving. This newspaper has been circulating for nine months already.
Emily Adams / Medford