LETTER TO THE EDITOR: Long-form journalism is appreciated

Published 5:00 am Friday, October 27, 2023

Times’ focus on long-form journalism is appreciated

Regarding a recent letter about a lack of “hard-hitting news,” I would suggest the reader tune into the local TV networks (or maybe social media) for that kind of short sound bite, attention-grabbing news.

Personally, I applaud the staff of the RV Times for not chasing ambulances and reporting on local news with long-form journalism; this in a world where the public is increasingly fed sensationalism as a draw to attract an audience.

As to the paywall, yep it’s a pain; but since I have the log-in and password stored in my iPad, it just becomes an extra step to access the paper.

I certainly hope that in the near future the RV Times will have an app that is not web-based and will display the paper in print format.

Chris Adams / Ashland

(no relation to the referenced letter signer)
