LETTERS TO THE EDITOR: Natural gas ban, environmental grants and global warming

Published 5:00 am Saturday, December 2, 2023

Eliminating natural gas will only add to problems

Climate alarmism is, well, alarming. Generally based upon pseudoscientific nonsense, it is promoting wrongheaded public policy.

For Ashland to preclude the future use of gas in new residences, for example, would be harmful economically and environmentally. Natural gas is a cleaner and more efficient source of energy than most other fossil fuels and propane is cleaner and more efficient yet.

House Bill 2021, now state law, mandates that 100% of our energy must come from clean sources by 2040. Presently 70% of our electricity comes from burning coal. And hydroelectric sources are being taken offline. Solar and wind will not replace these reliable sources.

Concurrently, promoting greater use of electricity in our homes and cars will predictably cause serious power shortages. It would, therefore, be foolhardy to preclude the use of gas.

Alarmists claim we are on a climate trajectory that will likely undermine our ecosystems and devastate agriculture, forestry, and fisheries. Nonsense.

The modest warming of the planet and the increase in CO2 levels from the dangerous recent historic lows are benefitting agriculture, forestry and biodiversity globally. CO2 is essential plant food. We are experiencing a greening of much of the world and better-than-ever crop yields.

Also, climate-related deaths have fallen by more than 90%. These positive developments should be further encouraged in coming decades while we develop truly reliable and cleaner energy sources.

Meanwhile, gas will be perhaps the best transition fuel to heat our homes and cook our meals.

David J. Carey / Central Point

Access federal dollars for environmental preservation

The gas tank is full for funding projects that protect and restore species and the habitats they require to survive. It’s time to write grants to request funds. We are fortunate to have a number of active, well-staffed nonprofit groups that are doing just that in our valley.

You can follow reporting on such activities in this newspaper. The coverage of dam removal on the Klamath River has been excellent. In this case, the funds for removal came from Prop One passing in California and rate surcharges by Pacific Corp.

The expectation is that runs of salmon and steelhead will start to recover from years of low returns because they can get to spawning areas out of reach now because of four dames.

The key to getting projects in the ground is leveraging available federal dollars with local resources and private partnerships. A bottom-up approach. And the two major pieces of legislation signed in to law by President Biden cast a wide net not only for species and habitats but for aspects of the environment that have consequences for our climate.

We live in a beautiful and resource-rich valley that we need to take care of. Solutions to problems related to water rights, land use, irrigation practices and the interface of ranching and farming that affect conservation can be challenging. And change takes time.

But now we have the opportunity to get things done. Do what you can to move us forward for all our sakes.

Stephen C. Haskell / Ashland

Stop scaring children with global warming dangers

Governments and government-dependent scientists and industries make a wonderful case with many documented dangers of global warming, for those eager to believe them.

For many of us, we see those threats come and go.

It does not take a scientist to see that the degree of warming over the past 200 years has greatly benefited agriculture and the world’s civilizations. It just takes the sense to admit it.

Atmospheric concentration at one part in 3600 was a historic low that was far from heathy for plant growth. The present one part in 2400 is much better. The optimal level may be far more than one part in 1000. Cheers for CO2.

However the reader may disagree, would you admit to this: It is wrong to use and frighted children to advance your views.

Quit scaring the children.

Ira Edwards / Medford
