Latest Opinion Archives - rv-times


OUR VIEW: Two bills: one bad for Oregon journalism, one good

There were days when owning a local newspaper was like a license to print money. Advertisers didn’t have ...


Political cartoons


GUEST OPINION: Save cougars and save taxpayer expense

I was saddened to read that Senate Bill 769, a bill that would allow counties to be excluded ...


GUEST COLUMN: USAID’s shutdown isn’t just global — it’s hitting Medford hard

In Medford, we know the value of community. We know that when one person stumbles, neighbors step up. ...


GUEST COLUMN: Investing in children would create brighter future for them, Oregon

If we want to create a bright future for our state, the most important thing we can do ...


GUEST COLUMN: Greater Idaho movement wants a seat at the table

Some residents in Eastern Oregon would like to merge with our neighbor to the east, creating a Greater ...

Letters to Editor

LETTERS TO THE EDITOR: Immigration sweeps; Southern Oregon and federal funds

Immigration sweeps can targets innocents Legal immigrants who are citizens and taxpayers are being targeted in the Rogue ...


GUEST COLUMN: Visit Medford schools and see that they stand out

Lions and tigers and bears! Oh my! Marxists, Derrick Bell, Critical Race Theory. Oh my! Where? Medford Schools? ...

Letters to Editor

LETTERS TO THE EDITOR: Rebuilding the North Medford High gym; fight age discrimination

Suggestions for a new NMHS gymnasium I know it is early to start thinking about what will replace ...

Letters to Editor

LETTER TO THE EDITOR: Tobias Read reflects on Thorndike’s impact

Remembering Bill Thorndike Jr. Now, more than ever, we need leaders who see humanity in every person they ...

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