Latest Letters to Editor Archives - rv-times

Letters to Editor

LETTERS TO THE EDITOR: Immigration sweeps; Southern Oregon and federal funds

Immigration sweeps can targets innocents Legal immigrants who are citizens and taxpayers are being targeted in the Rogue ...

Letters to Editor

LETTERS TO THE EDITOR: Rebuilding the North Medford High gym; fight age discrimination

Suggestions for a new NMHS gymnasium I know it is early to start thinking about what will replace ...

Letters to Editor

LETTER TO THE EDITOR: Tobias Read reflects on Thorndike’s impact

Remembering Bill Thorndike Jr. Now, more than ever, we need leaders who see humanity in every person they ...

Letters to Editor

LETTER TO THE EDITOR: Tobias Read reflects on Thorndike’s impact

Remembering Bill Thorndike Jr. Now, more than ever, we need leaders who see humanity in every person they ...

Letters to Editor

LETTERS TO THE EDITOR: Rebuilding the North Medford High gym; fight age discrimination

Suggestions for a new NMHS gymnasium I know it is early to start thinking about what will replace ...

Letters to Editor

LETTERS TO THE EDITOR: Medford ‘roboticketing’; make a local difference

Happy to make a local difference Many of us spend a lot of our time worrying about national ...

Letters to Editor

LETTER TO THE EDITOR: Young Ashland snow shovelers made her day

Snow shovel helpers were wonderful My neighbors and I were out shoveling our driveways on Tuesday before the ...

Letters to Editor


Snow shovel helpers My neighbors and I were out shoveling our driveways last Tuesday before the next storm. ...

Letters to Editor


Suggestions for a new NMHS gymnasium I know it is early to start thinking about what will replace ...

Letters to Editor

LETTER TO THE EDITOR: Oregon State Marine Board and jet boats

Marine board makes a balanced decision Good things can happen when controversial issues like commercial jet boat operations ...

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