Opinion page changes

Published 1:37 pm Friday, May 31, 2024

With the full retirement of Rogue Valley Times Opinion Editor Robert Galvin, which occurred Friday, the Times will be moving to one print Opinion page per week. Mid-week, the Times will offer local letters to the editor, Guest Opinions, regional commentary and a political cartoon.

During the week, the Times website homepage will include other regional commentary and a daily political cartoon. The Times weekly online poll will be discontinued.


The Times welcomes original letters of 250 words or fewer on local, state and regional issues. Letters must be signed and include the city of residence and a daytime phone number for verification. Phone numbers will not be published.


Guest Opinions of between 550 and 650 words will be considered for publication. Guest Opinions also must be signed by the author and include the city of residence and a daytime phone number for verification.


The Times reserves the right to withhold letters that address concerns about individual services and products, or letters that infringe on the rights of private citizens. All submissions will be edited for length, grammar, matters of taste or legal reasons.

Submissions including personal attacks will not be published. Poetry, form letters, letters from third parties, and letters or Guest Opinions submitted to other publications will not be accepted.


Send by email to letters@rv-times.com, or use the Submit A Letter to the Editor form available on rv-times.com.
