LETTERS TO THE EDITOR: Excessive noise and an outrage

Published 6:15 am Thursday, August 10, 2023

Residents need protection from excessive noise

Rural Jackson County residents need to be aware that Jackson County does not have any noise ordinances. People who live in towns are protected by certain restrictions that cover unusually loud or prolonged noise.

However, those of us who live rurally are at the mercy of the goodwill of our neighbors. This year, there have been several families driven from their rural homes because of prolonged and extremely loud noise, noise of such intensity that it was detrimental to their health and well-being to remain living in their own homes.

It is time for the rural citizens of our county to work together with our local officials to see that this is not allowed to continue. Any plan would need to accommodate reasonable recreational, farming, and industrial use and special events.

Other counties in the state of Oregon have these types of restrictions in place. For example, one states: “No person shall make, assist in making, continue, or cause to be made any loud, disturbing, or unnecessary noise which either annoys, disturbs, injures, or endangers the comfort, repose, health, safety, or peace of others.”

Let’s work together to help protect our fellow citizens from being driven from their homes. It happened here in Jackson County this year, and it could happen to any rural resident of this county unless more protections are put in place.

Contacting our commissioners and making them aware that more protection is needed could be a start.

Georgina Kennedy / Eagle Point

Paying for someone else’s mistake

It’s outrageous that Alvin Woody of Central Point can’t get his $47,950.07 that he overpaid in taxes back!

Sad that he has to pay for someone else’s mistake.

Sharon Spalding / Ashland
