LETTERS TO THE EDITOR: Solar farms and motorcycles
Published 6:00 am Thursday, August 24, 2023
Jackson County could benefit from solar farms
It is amazing to me that there are so many solar farms over in Klamath County. Yet, here in Jackson County, well, we don’t seem to get it.
I just had panels put on my house and it’s great! It is amazing that more businesses (and residents) in this area don’t jump on the tax credits and low-interest loans available to get on board.
The initial outlay is minimal if spread out with a good loan program. We have so many unfarmable, unbuildable lands that pocket our valley. Why doesn’t Roseburg Products put a farm on the land they just deemed unusable adjacent to their MDF facility in Medford?
They could use or sell the power generated. The same holds true for that unbuildable lot that just burned in Phoenix. The city could benefit from a solar field there.
It’s time to think outside the box and become proactive. I hope someone out there sees this and puts some of these ideas into action.
Linda Graham / Jacksonville
Motorcycle story ‘described mission to a T’
Thanks for the great article on Thunderstruck Customs and the Combat Hero Bike Build! Extremely well-written and describes our mission to the T.
And special thanks to Buffy Pollock.
Terry Sharp / The Villages, Florida