LETTER TO THE EDITOR: Measure 110 a failure in drug treatment

Published 5:30 am Thursday, September 21, 2023

Measure 110 funding fails effective drug treatment

Thank you for the excellent recent article regarding the Stabbin Wagon and grant funding from the Oregon Health Authority. It seemed that all parties involved share a desire for robust funding of an array of drug treatment services.

In my opinion, Measure 110 does not and cannot provide funding for effective drug treatment programs due to its myopic focus on low-barrier services to those with serious addictions.

As we have repeatedly experienced here in Jackson County, the $300 million in Measure 110 funding is not being utilized for medical withdrawal management or residential treatment and mental health services. Instead the funding flows primarily to low-barrier services to drug users, which consists of outreach and harm-reduction efforts to facilitate the “safer” consumption of meth, heroin and fentanyl.

The result of this policy is that the Stabbin Wagon has received $582,000 in Measure 110 funds to distribute drug consumption paraphernalia, while meaningful treatment opportunities in the valley remain scarce.

It sure looks to me like Measure 110 has failed drug addicts and those who work for their recovery.

George Sexton / Talent
