LETTER TO THE EDITOR: Large fires and climate change

Published 6:00 am Friday, August 2, 2024

Large fires & climate change

Bob Zybach had a Guest Column on June 30 in the RV Times titled ‘Environmental lawsuits have direct effect on mortality.’

Zybach wrote that climate change is a “misleading excuse not supported by facts” and “the climate in western Oregon has been pretty much the same for centuries.”

Zybach states that the reason we have more fires now is that fuels have built up because of anti-logging environmentalists and as a direct result, we no longer have clean, healthy air.

Good news, Bob. There are some major fuel reduction projects going on right now. The Park Fire in Northern California has reduced more than 390,000 acres of fuels and continues to grow. Eastern Oregon currently has several mega fires over 100,000 acres reducing fuels and wiping out grazing land for cattle and wildlife. We had a major fuel reduction event right here in Talent and Phoenix in September of 2020.

Pete Toogood / Talent
