LETTERS TO THE EDITOR: Jet boats and RV Times progress

Published 6:00 am Saturday, April 6, 2024

Jet boat issues go deeper than surface arguments

In his recent article, Mr. Hall failed to do journalistic diligence. A great deal of the article details the Rogue Jet Boats business, accented by pictures of folks having fun. It stipulates that boats can’t pass Rattlesnake Rapid as the other side contains “sensitive spawning habitat” … so, why look further?

The problem is that there has been a proliferation of jet boats that are using that sensitive habitat year-round. They put in at Dodge and traverse through Shady Cove, stopping for dinner and a drink. There have been contentious situations.

He builds a class warfare defense quoting Mr. Jordan referencing “wealthy riverfront property owners” and “multi-million dollar homes.” The facts don’t bear this out. He acknowledges the existence of the Upper Rogue Guardians being opposed, but never contacts them.

Additionally the comment, “this is all about jet boats or no jet boats” shows a lack of understanding — or interest. It’s about safety and the “sensitive habitat” noted by the ODFW. From Dodge Bridge north there is an abundance of rafters, drift boats, paddle boarders, swimmers; and some channels that are passable by only one craft at a time.

Regarding multi-use, is there a limit? Marinas have no wake rules protecting boats near the docks. How about people?

Speaking of wealth, 14,000 trips @ $50 is $700,000 a year, not counting Discovery Park revenue … not bad. A group in a $60,000 ski boat weaving through critical habitat for a margarita may be elitist.

Tim Gilman / Shady Cove

Jet boats aren’t compatible with other multi-use options 

Just because the county marine sheriff hasn’t issued any safety citations doesn’t mean jet boats operating in the upper Rogue are safe. He doesn’t mention the conflicts that have been created, or the complaints his office has received.

Operating jet boats in the upper Rogue is inherently unsafe, because of the small size of the river channel, limited navigation lanes, limited lines of sight, the size of the boats, the speeds they travel, and the wakes they create.

To have multiple use, the uses have to be compatible and jet boats are not compatible with the traditional uses of the upper Rogue or the riverfront parks and Denman refuge.

The status quo is not a noisy jet boat tour business racing large boats up and down the upper Rogue, but a river that people could safely and peacefully enjoy before state park officials began allowing the business to operate out of TouVelle State Park.

It is shameful that the paper, and the county, paint the picture that it is just wealthy landowners who are impacted and complaining. It is all of us who care for and appreciate the river, and use the river and our park and refuge lands for floating, fishing, wading, swimming, picnicking, birdwatching, dog walking, hiking and just a place to relax and be in nature.

It is too bad our county officials are willing to support exploiting such an important community resource to line the pockets of one commercial business at the expense of the public.

Bob Hunter / Ruch

RV Times is doing well, but should cover more ground

As a subscriber, I want to commend you and your staff generally on a job well done in an increasingly difficult journalistic environment. However, I am increasingly concerned with the RV Times’s over-emphasis on crime and court news.

I know that it is one of the easiest beats for a newspaper, since most stories are ready-made in news releases and public records. (This is not a criticism of the quality of the reporting.)

But when a newspaper has a very small staff, and so much copy is filled with reports of crime, readers inevitably get the impression that the valley is a cesspool of crime, conflict and degeneracy.

Where is the reporting on the environment? Why do we read so little about the county commission and the various city governments? Excepting the good work of Ms. Pollock, where are your investigations?

If you gave one-tenth the space to our numerous governments and environmental and social problems as you do to sports we might be a well-informed electorate. I’m hoping for some better balance in your coverage.

John Enders / Talent
