Disclosure: ‘UAP’ summit draws hundreds to Ashland conference

Published 9:28 am Monday, March 17, 2025

Government, legal, military experts among those sharing information about what are also known as UFOs

New theories and dramatic testimonies about UFOs — now more often referred to as “UAPs,” for unidentified anomalous phenomena — drew a crowd of hundreds that filled the Rogue River Room at Southern Oregon University’s Stevenson Union March 13. Guests at the event, organized by New Paradigm Institute, ranged from political activists to personal growth enthusiasts and those open to psychic experiences involving any other-world exposure.

The keynote speaker, Danny Sheehan, has a long history of fighting against the powerful. The Harvard Law School attorney participated in the Pentagon Papers case, the Watergate break-in case and the Silkwood case. 

His current battle is getting information on UFO’s released. Sheehan says he wants to expose vital secrets that have been held by the U.S. Government for 80 years. 

According to Sheehan, money that funds secret experimental programs is being illegally diverted from existing government programs that have long held secrets of extraterrestrial life. 

“This department and intelligence agency operatives are telling us directly that this is true, that in fact they have possession of more than one non-human origin extraterrestrial spacecraft and the bodies have been proven to be non-human and they say so directly. Now this is the disclosure process that we’ve all been waiting for in trying to get to what happened,” Sheehan said. 

“What’s being revealed now by other insiders is that this secret technology is attempting it to be reverse engineered,  not only to generate craft that engage in these alien spacecraft types of maneuvers, but to use this command to develop an entire new generation of weapons by means of which we can assert full spectrum military control over the planet,” Sheehan added. 

“Therefore, the time has arrived for us to commence … addressing the fundamental philosophical and theological questions that are now presented to our human family by the discovery of life elsewhere,” Sheehan said. 

“The reality is that the time has in fact arrived for us as citizens to begin this conversation among ourselves. The decisions are being made by people who’ve been trained to perceive the world in terms of a threat from other nation-states,” he added. 

Because of these new discoveries, there has been a shift from “UFO” (Unidentified Flying Object) to “UAP” (Unidentified Aerial Phenomenon), a change driven by a desire to create a more neutral and scientific term, avoiding the stigma and speculative associations that had become attached to the term “UFO,” particularly regarding extraterrestrial origins.

Sheehan told the crowd that reporting any UPO experience, “Has ruined people’s families and has ruined their careers. You don’t have to dismiss them from the military. The extraordinarily interesting aspect of this is how many people were being told this by people in positions of authority,” he said. 

Richard Dolan is a UFO expert who recently published “UFOs for the 21st Century Mind,” that what he calls ‘”a fresh treatment of the entire subject of UFO’s.”  He has appeared widely on television, has lectured around the world, and joined the event via closed circuit.

“Alien objects that are occasionally tracked in space and in orbit in the atmosphere are also absolutely in the ocean. A good question to ask is how many of them are down there? I’m not sure that I know,” Dolan said. 

“I can say that they are distributed quite liberally throughout the planet and every major body of water. Many of them, however, are trans-medium — that is, they can enter, then emerge from the oceans to the air in many cases.” 

Dolan projects a scenario and theory that would allow considerably more undetected alien activity. 

“They seemingly, effortlessly go from the air into a body of water and, you know, the ocean’s a great place for them to hide in. It’s not an area that we have studied scientifically to the great level that we would like. I think about 25% of the ocean floor has been scientifically mapped and I think 5% of the ocean’s volume,” he added. 

“I have to wonder how you can even track the ocean’s volume, but they have a way, but only with 5%. It’s basically a big muddy fog, very difficult to get around down there, so there’s lots of places where an intelligent operation could hide if they wish,” Dols said. 

One of the ocean-going members of the human race has his own story to tell. Sean Cahill, Chief Petty Officer and Master at Arms on the USS Princeton Missile Cruiser, was at sea when he experienced what he perceived as alien activity. 

Cahill said he and his wife drove from San Francisco to talk about his time on the USS Princeton at sea in 2004. 

“We were of the coast of California in preparation for deployment on a guided missile cruiser. … We encountered approximately 100 unexplained sightings of colored circular shapes or phenomena over the course of a week,” Cahill said. “I went back to that place and did a little investigation, but some people surmise that there may be an underwater base of some kind … there is some geophysical data that states that there may be hollow lava tubes ….  

“Mr. Sheehan reached the right people in leadership and the Congress to make sure there are programs and records that we can investigate and bring them out into the light in front of Congress. They should be shown to the American people. These programs have been investigated for almost a 100 years now and there’s still not a clear picture for the American people or the world what’s actually going on,” he said.

Another important aspect of the conference was exploring the personal human evolution that might come with extraterrestrial contact. Kevin Peer was in the audience and addressed that question to the podium. 

“Contact with other beings might mean being called to evolve spirituality in a new way of living and a new way of being relating with each other and with other creatures,” Peer said.

“Are these beings who are visiting us, are they interesting in helping us, of being part of that spiritual evolution? There are stories all throughout the history of humankind of very highly evolved human individuals who achieved higher states of conscious,” he added. 

Peer said he feared that if a more evolved exists on earth, they still haven’t made contact. 

“Are they completely hands off, because we’re not doing that great of a job? The answer that I heard was they are pretty hands off. So beyond stating the obvious of telling us that we’ve got to stop what we’re doing, well we already know that. It’s an important question. So, to be honest, I wanted to hear more on that subject,” Peer said.  

Art Van Kraft is an artist living in Ashland and a former broadcast journalist and news director of a Los Angeles-area National Public Radio affiliate. Email him at artukraft@msn.com.
