LETTERS TO THE EDITOR: Elections officials and natural gas
Published 10:00 am Saturday, November 25, 2023
Embattled election officers deserve our support
Ever think your vote doesn’t matter? Or that your vote doesn’t count? What if our democracy faced a problem of votes literally being difficult to count? Many of our local election offices face such an uphill battle.
The League of Women Voters of the Rogue Valley would like to acknowledge ever-increasing difficulties the Jackson County Clerk’s Office faces, along with most in Oregon. A Nov. 7 report from Reed College reveals a whopping third of election officers in Oregon have left their jobs.
Clerks’ offices are understaffed and underfunded; Jackson County is down 2 full-time employees. Reports of election workers being threatened and harassed have increased statewide.
Finances are an additional hurdle. The Jackson County department is primarily funded by revenues generated through fees collected in the Recording Program, which are dependent on mortgage rates and economic activity at banks or title companies, and HAVA grants.
Does this make sense as a way to protect our vote?
Despite these setbacks, County Clerk Chris Walker has been nominated to the Government Coordinating Council by the Department of Homeland Security to represent the elections-specific sector on cybersecurity. There are few election professionals on the Council, and it is an honor and privilege for the County Clerk to represent Oregon and Jackson County.
The League is proud to congratulate the Jackson County Clerk’s office on its public service. Further, in a situation of adversity, we commend them for once again overseeing the 2023 November election with efficiency and the trust of its citizens.
Kathleen Donham / Medford& Barbara Klein / Ashland
Listen to the kids about dangers of natural gas
In a letter several weeks ago criticizing Ashland High School students seeking to curtail methane gas use, Henry Plouse made several common mistakes.
Evidently, like many misinformed individuals, he seems to think the only greenhouse gas causing global warming is carbon dioxide, and the only source of this greenhouse gas is when fossil fuels are combusted. Neither is the case.
In fact, natural gas is about 90% methane, a gas with global warming capacity over 80 times that of carbon dioxide on a 20-year basis.
While combusting methane results in fewer carbon dioxide emissions than combusting coal or oil, the problem is that from fracking to combustion, methane leaks. The rate at which it leaks is often much greater than sufficient to negate the combustion benefits of this fuel versus other fossil fuels.
If we wish to solve the climate crisis, a crisis that threatens life on the planet as we know it and poses this threat within the lifetimes of current high school students, we desperately need to wean ourselves from all fossil fuels.
Mr. Plouse also seems to have overlooked the fact that natural gas is toxic and poses a direct health threat to those with gas appliances, and when combusted, is not completely destroyed. Thus, every gas appliance is poisoning the inhabitants of the gas-powered home. Furthermore, there is abundant evidence that even when turned off, gas appliances leak.
Natural gas is a threat to humanity on many fronts. Let’s learn from the kids!
Bruce Bauer / Medford