LETTERS TO THE EDITOR: Kudos to the Times, and a hope for ‘goodness’

Published 4:45 am Saturday, December 30, 2023

Medford newspaper legacy family offers praise

On behalf of my mother, Alicia Ruhl MacArthur, and myself, I would like to commend you on your recent editorial in which you stated a refined letter publication policy.

We particularly agree with your statement that “an open exchange of viewpoints is essential to democracy” but that it is important not to import weight to opinions that are based in falsehoods.

As my grandmother, Mabel Ruhl, used to say to me when she was the publisher of the Medford Mail Tribune, one reads the front page to find out what the facts ARE and then turns to the Editorial page to find out what the facts MEAN.

Too often these days, writers attempt to corrupt the news by confusing opinion and fact. We commend the RV Times opinion page for its commitment to keeping clearly defined lines between fact, opinion, and fiction.

Well done.

Maria MacArthur / Tomkins Cove, N.Y.

Seeking ‘basic goodness’ during this holiday season

The “Holiday Season” brings us together with friends and family. We take some comfort and pleasure in each other’s company.

Maybe, if just for a while, we could let down our barriers, allow strangers to share a smile.

A “thank you” or a “hello.” A moment without suspicion. A moment of “basic goodness.”

It is not really that difficult.

Casey Bright / Ashland
